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Recommend to use venv for development.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install dev dependencies

python -m pip install .[docs,test]  # \[docs,test\] in zsh

Python package

Linting and Testing

It is important NOT ONLY to get OK from all linters (or achieve score in the case of pylint), but also to write good code.
P.S. It's hard to say what a Good Code is. Let's say that it should be simple, clear, commented, and so on.

python -m flake8 .
python -m mypy fastapi_jwt
python -m isort . --check

Try NOT ONLY to achieve 100% coverage, but also to cover extreme cases, height load cases, multithreaded cases, incorrect input, and so on.

python -m pytest

You can fix some issues in auto mode.

  • Sorting imports and make autopep.
    python -m isort .


Egg (deprecated)

python3 build
python3 sdist
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
twine upload dist/*

Build Wheel and see what inside

python3 -m pip wheel . --no-deps --wheel-dir dist
tar --list -f dist/fastapi-jwt-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl  

Load dist to pypi

twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
twine upload dist/*



Edit it in docs/

mkdocs can be run as dev server with auto-reload.

mkdocs serve --config-file docs/mkdocs.yml

Note: Server will auto-restart for all changed docs/* files.
If you want to edit or you should restart server on each change.

Building pkg docs (TODO)

Add python backend docs TODO

lazydocs \
    --output-path="./docs/references/backend" \
    --overview-file="" \
    --src-base-url="" \


Without versioning (now)

Build and deploy docs itself

mkdocs build --config-file docs/mkdocs.yml
mkdocs gh-deploy --config-file docs/mkdocs.yml    

With mike as versioning tool (TODO)

Deploy with mike to github-pages with versioning support

mike deploy --config-file docs/mkdocs.yml 0.0.1 latest --push
mike alias --config-file docs/mkdocs.yml 0.0.1 0.0.x --push
mike set-default --config-file docs/mkdocs.yml latest --push

With read-the-docs as versioning tool (TODO)

Deploy with mkdocs to read-the-docs for versioning support